martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

The particle of God:

The Higgs boson is a massive elementary particles whose existence is deduced by the standard model of particle physics. It plays an important role in the explanation of the origin of mass of elementary particles, in particular the difference between the photon massless, and the W and Z bosons are very heavy heavy. Elementary particles with mass and the difference between the electromagnetic interaction and the weak force are important in many aspects of the structure of matter.
The discoverer of this particle was Peter Higgs.

University who studies the Higgs bosons is the "C.E.R.N" 

up to now know that there are electrons, protons and neutrons, but the protons and neutrons are composed of quark in turn.
Subatomic particles are divided into two types: feniones (particles that compose matter), and bosons (contain force or interactions).

El CERN with the large Hadron Collider wants to make collisions between protons to make you're particles from separating and can confirm or deny the existence of the "God particle". We do not know that will end this project.

Did a question about this to our Professor of physics and chemistry of the Institute. The question was: 
what would change with the discovery of the Higgs boson? 
And the answer was: 
originally would not change anything, be It would be a revolution in science and technology. Practically the standard model, but not know applications.


lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011

The art of Flight:

Official page:

Snowboarding is the extreme sport most practiced in the world, in which a snowboard table is used to slide on the snow. The basic equipment for practice it is a table, the snowboard bindings and boots; In addition to protections like the helmet.
Snowboarding is one of the extreme sports of higher risk and difficulty since it is very fast and are carried out high-altitude jump; also depends on the area where it descends, whether or not it is a steep mountain, and if generated avalanches or not in that area.

Although it is a risky sport, for my is one of the sports most beautiful and spectacular.Often I practice this sport in the winter and even to the principle was difficult, with practice you like more and more and you feel every time more comfortable riding in the table and descending. 

 Here I leave the trailer on a documentary of this sport:

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011


Official Website:

Domingo Edjang Moreno, better known as El Chojin, is a performer and composer of rap, who was born on April 28, 1977 in Torrejón de Ardoz. He is best known for his rap, which rejects violence, racism, drugs and alcohol, avoiding rude words.

El Chojin is distinguished from other MCs for his bet by social commitment, struck by not swearing words found in their texts, but as he himself says: Yo escribo como hablo, que no use esas palabras no es planeado, es simplemente honesto.
The meaning is: I am writing as I speak, not to use those words is not planned, it is simply honest". It aims to show how is through rapping, and preaches by example of what counts in their songs. Their texts can be found in items as non-violence, against consumption of drugs, including alcohol, and against racism.

One of her most famous songs is:

Summer christmas:

In the other hemisphere of the world countries, such as Australia Christmas is different to as we know, held during the summer, which is why the classic environment Christmas snow and cold that we are accustomed to seeing, there becomes beaches and Santa Claus in summer.

In Australia Christmas is celebrated a traditional dinner included Turkey ham and pudding for dessert. Some Australians celebrate this dinner outdoors. Since 1937 in Melbourne are celebrated the "carols a the light of the candles" the day before Christmas. That day people gather to sing Christmas carols lighted only by candles.
The holding contains picnics in parks, gardens and beaches. The menu is It consists of seafood, fresh ham, salads, cold meat and pudding with custard. 

Children are visited by a very special Santa Claus, dress with Hat, blue suspenders shirt and shorts, called Swag Man.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

A healthy life:

5 tips to prevent cancer:

Maintain a normal weight according to the age of each person. 
Perform 30 to 60 minutes a day of moderate physical activity such as walking.
Do not eat more than half a kilo of red meat.
Do not drink alcoholic beverages. 

Using medication that provides the physician according to type of cancer. 

Pros and cons of text messages:

PROS: You may recieve other messages from other mobile phones. these mesages are paid by the person who only send them. The extension of the message has a maximun of 160 characters, but if you need more characters con be written in other message, and then to send the text in multiples messages. Another advantage is the price, since messages aren´t paid calls; is cheaper. In addicton, messages can be read, send and respond at any time.

CONS: Due to the difficulty of the text messages when you writing a text, words are written with spelling mistakes, so that hurts the writing and language. Due to the messages, social communication has declined. In a text message can´t express the emotions of the issuer, which can create confusion. Mobile phone companies use text messages for advertising and decieve.

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011

Starting at the end:

The curious case of benjamin button, is a major production that reflects on the passing of life for everyone, but it also shows this step from a different point of view, from end to beginning. This film shows two different paths in direction but in a sense, the pace of life and love.

Subliminal messages:

Danza kuduro - Don Omar:
It presents the two singers as the owners of the house and boat and women are their playthings.
Women are always lying below the two singers, and they never sing.
As for language, the singers always say Vaile women and not get tired.
They have white clothes and black women only have white or black color.
The women are always waiting for them, and they never expect them.

All my people - Sasha Lopez:
 Women have a bathing suit and the two singers.
The singers always have glasses and was never seen by eyes.
Women always vail around the two singers.
The woman who plays guitar is naked.
The women dance behind the singers, and they almost do not dance.

Hotel room service - Pitbull:
The singer is allways surrounded by scantily clad women.
He is the owner of the hotel and women.
Always go fully dressed and suit.
All women are waiting for you.
All women want to be with him.

Two common features:
Women are always half-naked.
The singers are always the center of attention.

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

The music without vioce:

Sigur Rós: Is a band Icelandic post-rock with elements of shoegazing (particular style of music which the group played looking down and never forward) and minimalism. The band is known for its ethereal sound and the voice of singer John Thor Birgisson. 
I am struck by the singer's voice, and also the origin of the name of the group name comes from the name of the sister of singer Birgisson, called Sigurros.

Her home page is:
Other song of Sigur Rós:

The story of an assassin:
Claudia, my dear sister, has spent more than a year since I left Rome with the hope of finding new answers to my questions. I have fear, go alone and without knowing the new world, what do you expect me away from my home?. 
My path is not easy, it is full of Templars who seek my death, the death of a murderer. If I die do not seek revenge, only pursuing my truth, my story is just one of thousands. 
Dear brother, your mother is worried because you are not with us, now I understand, now I understand the whole truth.

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

A special day:

On the day of St. Martin is celebrated the arrival of Christmas. St. Martin is the patron of the poor, soldiers and knights. This feast is celebrated in Germany.
This is a great tradition in Germany in the autumn. A lot of children go in procession, accompanied by their parents, lit by torches and guarded by mounted police. sing, while on the street accompanied by the rhythm of music. At the same time are taking candy for the city. 
That pattern are reminded that it is special for the Germans. I don't know any other feast that is similar to St. Martin. 5 tipical words of feast: Feiertag, freizeig, freude, volkslied, tanzen: Atipical cake of St. Martin is goose-shaped cookies. Clip of St. Martin feast: S ong of St. Martin feast:  

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

Mujeres que marcaron historia:

Oliva Sabuco; nació en Alcaraz, Albacete, en 1562,. Tuvo una sólida formación humanística e intelectual.Su obra, publicada en 1587, La nueva Filosofía de la Naturaleza del Hombre, desarrollaba de manera socrática, un diálogo entre pastores, en el cual se hacían reflexiones sobre las causas naturales que hacen al hombre crecer y conservar la salud, o enfermar y morir.
Afirmaba que había una estrecha relación entre la mente y el cuerpo, de manera que un malestar psícológico podía acarrear un malestar físico, incluso una enfermedad. Invitaba a los médicos a tratar a sus pacientes con problemas de cuerpo, mente y de ánimo.
En la actualidad se sabe, gracias a ella, que muchos de los remedios que contribuyen a la solución los problemas humanos sobre el cuerpo la mente y el ánimo, son la musicoterapia  y la higienización. 

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011


Présentée comme la plupart des artistes modernes, Delacroix méprisé son temps, il détestait les progrès et a été conservateur dans ses goûts et des attitudes, considéré comme l'incarnation du romantisme français. 
Le peintre détestais ce point de vue a été réaffirmé comme un peintre classique, respectueuse de la tradition, mais pas académique. Delacroix est le représentant consommé des paradoxes, la grandeur et de dispersions du mouvement romantique.

C'est un centre culturel consacré principalement aux expositions temporaires, a été ouvert en 2008. 
Le bâtiment est grande fonctionnalité car elle est surélevée par rapport au sol, donc vous pouvez vous promener en dessous. L'accès à l'étage principal est fait par un escalier métallique en spirale escalier. 
La façade de ce monument est construit en fer, il donne une oxydé en faisant un bâtiment unique et très spécial.

Delacroix peinture:

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Alter ego

Siempre he tenido la sensación de sentirme como el aire. Quiero decir que me identifico con el aire ya que vivo la misma sensación de libertad, porque me he sentido satisfecho y aliviado de todas las cosas que he hecho por obligación, gusto y deber, es por ello que no me arrepiento de ninguna por lo cual vivo la misma sensación de libertad que tiene el aire que rodea nuestro mundo.

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Proyecto integrado.

Esta materia ofrece la posibilidad de ampliar nuestro conocimiento, mediante la originalidad, la actualidad, las nuevas tecnologías, la investigación, etc; así como proporcionar ayuda para otras actividades escolares, de esta forma podemos imaginar la asignatura como un soporte, los cimientos o la estructura de proyectos de investigación ambientados a la enseñanza y sobretodo a la educación en el ámbito escolar.