University who studies the Higgs bosons is the "C.E.R.N"
up to now know that there are electrons, protons and neutrons, but the protons and neutrons are composed of quark in turn.
Subatomic particles are divided into two types: feniones (particles that compose matter), and bosons (contain force or interactions).
El CERN with the large Hadron Collider wants to make collisions between protons to make you're particles from separating and can confirm or deny the existence of the "God particle". We do not know that will end this project.
Did a question about this to our Professor of physics and chemistry of the Institute. The question was:
what would change with the discovery of the Higgs boson?
And the answer was:
originally would not change anything, be It would be a revolution in science and technology. Practically the standard model, but not know applications.