Lived his early years without their parents, the said it was little pampered and cared for. Older they imprisoned his father for failure to pay debts, and the family went to live in prison. He married Catherine Thompson Hogarth in 1836. Another tragic situation of his life was the accident that took to traveling by train when returning from France to see Ellen Ternan. In this accident was very lucky because the only car that fell not to the River It was in which he was traveling.
Was separated from his wife in 1858, but at the time the divorce was frowned upon. From this era include:
-the greatest splendor of the British industrial revolution and of the Empire British.
-Recognition of a series of rights to women.
- The discoveries of Charles Darwin began to influri on assumptions about the men with respect to the evolution of humans living.
Among his works stand out:

A tale of two cities: Novel that talks about the life and society of the 18th century, during the French Revolution.
Great hopes: history tells the life of the orphan named Pip, while trying to become a nobleman.
Papers delClub Pickwick, also known as the Pickwick Papers, was his first published novel.
Bleak House: where Dickens criticizes judicial systems.
Hard times: where there are two social classes the proletariat and the circus.