Hello again everyone, today I will talk about the PAU, meaning entrance exam to the University, or also known as selectivity. It is a test for students who complete successfully 2º of bachillerato. Today I offer some tips to make the tests correctly and have no problem during the study.
Before the exams is good:
- study hard the days before a review
- rest the day before for not being tired.
-Perform relaxation exercises how to do breathing exercises.
During an examination is advisable to follow the following consejo:br - not distracted with things that move in the classroom during the review.
-No you feel unsure of what you write, think well what you are going to write.
- It is very important to not go hastily, and after finishing the review you review the faults the accents and the responses you've written.
Finally, once finished the examination is advisable:
- disconnect a little of what you've written because that way you relax at all.
-Then, think in as you've taken the test and make an assessment depending on the note that you think you have.
- Finally, feed yourself well because, although notes does not, you can have sugar and energy levels low, and it is very important to replace you for complete
hope the tips that are useful I have given you, and I wish you good luck when you do reviews, that even if they are hard, never well look bad councils that each offers.
Good bye to all.
My dear Su isy... we´re learning Chinese, here in Liverpool , what´more we had dance Chinese dances... well something more apart from NIHAO...wELL AS TO YOUR POST....feed it...INSERT SOME LINKS EXPANDING INFORMATION ON degrees, universities and webs where the marks are published!!!top nocht important>: to pay attention to the teachers´instructions...and don´t forget your identity card!!!!